Mueller updates some pasta boxes removing the thin plastic see-thru sheet

When you shop for pasta you notice the brand and the type of pasta like Spaghetti, Ziti, Orzo, and so on.

Boxes containing long thin shaped pastas like spaghetti are usually heavier than boxes of ziti. We pick up the box and can see a thin sheet of plastic to look at the pasta.

However, I noticed that Mueller’s spaghetti and thin spaghetti boxes were missing. I wonder if this was temporary because of the packaging cost to insert the thin plastic sheet affected the production.

Then I thought is there is a shortage of thin plastic.

Mueller’s pasta has been in existence since 1867….over 150 years.

I’m assuming that when their pasta was sold could have been loose and in glass jars, but I’m not sure.

Then it moved to long thin cardboard boxes, which is derived from forestry, trees, and then added the see-thru plastic.

Now it has been removed. I still purchased two boxes of spaghetti and will interested to see if this is temporary package change or for the long term.

We’ll see, but the package change is quite noticeable for a brand that has a history being on supermarket shelves.

Will see if other brands like Ronzoni who is added new types of pasta like turmeric and cauliflower based pastas to their brand.

Products like spaghetti are versatile. And that goes for changing the pasta box.

Published by Grocer on a Mission

Fascinated with retail, marketing, product packaging, innovation, delivery, technology, brands, and the future of food. Thank you for stopping by.

One thought on “Mueller updates some pasta boxes removing the thin plastic see-thru sheet

  1. The clear plastic windows make the cardboard box unable to be recycled. By removing the that thin film the box is able to go in most recycle bins. To check for yourself, look over the box. You will not find a triangular recycle emblem if it has plastic.


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