The next frontier: space exploration marketing

Now that the world has seen billionaire entrepreneurs Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos rockets scrape the earth’s atmosphere immersed for minutes in zero gravity it is only a matter of time before more privately owned companies entertain the notion and join the space race whether on a virtual or real ride orbiting the earth. TheContinue reading “The next frontier: space exploration marketing”

Two ideas for intergalactic food production

In about five years, humans will begin living or at least have temporary residence outside of earth. And like any new idea or concept like the invention of the semiconductor, which in reality is having multiple wires on piece of silicon, which has the property of both an insulator and conductor of electricity thanks inContinue reading “Two ideas for intergalactic food production”

Looking at the future of the delivery economy

The way consumers shop continues to change. Thousands of years ago products were exchanged via barter. After barter currency and coins were used to purchase products in the marketplace. Then came marketplaces, physical stores, to online stores. People can now shop online for physical products and digital products. Products can be purchased in stores andContinue reading “Looking at the future of the delivery economy”

Business ideas and the ideas of business

The first sentence in Peter Thiel’s, From Zero to One says “(e)very moment in business happens only once.” When a new business idea is invented consumers are drawn to it, and will stick with it, if it benefits the consumer. Google is zero to one. Social media is a zero to one. Sears was aContinue reading “Business ideas and the ideas of business”

The “space” between food

As NASA and SpaceX embark on a new space mission today, blasting two astronauts through the ionosphere through the G levels for a month I cannot help to think about what the diet will consist of for the astronauts. Will they eat apple sauce? Swig down Tang? Regardless there will probably need some storage toContinue reading “The “space” between food”