Rethinking the kitchen

The kitchen is the room that keeps the food, utensils, stove, table, and a refrigerator, to store food and magnets. Unless the living arrangement is small, the kitchen will not have a bed in it. But as we know, food that stays too long in the refrigerator gets tossed, the drawers have years of storedContinue reading “Rethinking the kitchen”

Yellow ketchup and red mustard

When new products get a fresh look they get the attention of consumers. That is the first part of marketing and advertising, gaining attention. Look at how Tesla disrupted the audio industry and how Instacart and Shipt did for delivering groceries. There products and ideas stood out filled a need, connected with a target audience,Continue reading “Yellow ketchup and red mustard”

Disrupting tear here and the small food packet

Ordering fast food you may be asked if you need condiments like ketchup, mustard. Then you have to tear them open and squeeze it over your food. Then you toss it. But what about all of the unopened packages? What happens to them? They probably get tossed too. I wonder if there is a betterContinue reading “Disrupting tear here and the small food packet”

Ketchup with the history of mustard

Mustard and ketchup have a history. Mustard dates as far back to 600 BC where it was used as a medicine and is now squeezed out of plastic containers on hotdogs and sandwiches, Ketchup dates back about 400 hundred years to the 17th century and is derived from a Hokkien Chinese word, kê-tsiap,. The redContinue reading “Ketchup with the history of mustard”