Ready for robots to soon be retail seasonal workforce

Can you imagine a robot wrapping gifts for you during the holiday season or delivering gifts for thousands of people? I can. And not that I’m happy about it. But I think it is just a matter of years before humans partner with robots on the sales floor, — especially during the holiday season. WillContinue reading “Ready for robots to soon be retail seasonal workforce”

A short story about the first Thanksgiving Day: Can you say ‘Popcorn’

As families and friends spend time together on Thanksgiving Day, we should take note how this first holiday was spent and what was served. According to the wonderful book Discover How Things Work by Nancy Goodman and Dan L. Wuliffson popcorn was served at the first Thanksgiving Dinner: Popcorn is actually an American Indian invention.Continue reading “A short story about the first Thanksgiving Day: Can you say ‘Popcorn’”

Stove Top – Kraft, Libby’s canned pumpkins, Hunt’s tomatoes and Swanson’s broth – Are you a ‘Thanksgivingian’ expert?

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, Thanksgiving Day is here and chances are (if you read this after the holiday) that you, or someone you know, is filling their shopping buggy to cook, then we must give credit to the brands that a “Thanksgivingian” (A person who specializes in the fall holiday meal).Continue reading “Stove Top – Kraft, Libby’s canned pumpkins, Hunt’s tomatoes and Swanson’s broth – Are you a ‘Thanksgivingian’ expert?”

Thanksgiving mania: is you supermarket ready

Two boxes of Jiffy Corn bread mix, collard greens, pie crust and apple pie filling, Libby’s canned pumpkin, Stove Top chicken stuffing mix, mashed potatoes, low sodium organic chicken broth, two cans of jellied cranberries, sweet potato pies — and of course the turkey, vegan style or a real bird are you ready for theContinue reading “Thanksgiving mania: is you supermarket ready”