Making the time to grocery shop

The act of grocery shopping could take place anytime. In the morning when the supermarket opens. In the afternoon for lunch. In the evening for dinner. In a rush because you are missing an item for your recipe or event. During the weekend to prepare for the next week or an event. When a consumerContinue reading “Making the time to grocery shop”

The Writing/Reading ratio and the creative mindset

Every human gets 24 hours a day to use and varies. For creative minded people who want to write there could be a struggle of how much time to dedicate daily to read and write.   People want to read and write but decide what do they want to do first. Suppose someone wants toContinue reading “The Writing/Reading ratio and the creative mindset”

How to improve shopping carts for growing delivery companies

The shopping cart is the same for shoppers taking a leisurely stroll up and down aisles and a human make a grocery delivery. They are made of metal, plastic, and move around by pushing it against four wheels. Each order consists of different products. And they all go into a shopping cart. Grocery delivery forContinue reading “How to improve shopping carts for growing delivery companies”

Comparing curbside pickup and home delivery

Curbside delivery allows customers the ability to scoop up their online order. Probably works for large orders like from Walmart, Target, and Costco. Those items could have a combination of grocery and school supplies. If the groceries are dry can continue on like taking a road trips. If taking a road trip curbside pickup isContinue reading “Comparing curbside pickup and home delivery”

Digital physical shopping carts for cyborgs

Mobile devices have become our technological body extension. Humans are attached to them. They do a lot. It provides information and entertainment at our fingertips. It provides the time and weather. Humans can market with it posting on social media, blogs, and videos. And we can shop with it. I forgot to mention we canContinue reading “Digital physical shopping carts for cyborgs”

The Art of Grocery Delivery

Grocery delivery looks to be here to stay. It is interesting to see how fast grocery delivery entrepreneurs are signing up to deliver groceries. It may be due to someone losing a job, wanting to start a business, or looking to escape a 9 to 5 cubicle. Regardless, if there is one thing that’s certainContinue reading “The Art of Grocery Delivery”

Before and after the grocery delivery

The pandemic has shaken the core of grocery shopping. Food supply chains were broken. Toilet paper, meat, cleaning products, and eggs became scarce and still continue to be thanks to increased demand and the pandemic spreading to meat plant facilities. There has also been an increase in their grocery delivered. Amazon, Instacart, and Shipt haveContinue reading “Before and after the grocery delivery”

Should robots get a lunch break?

Robots and other types of machines move things and speed up progress. Some clean floors, as others calculate data. There are others that are being designed to look and talk like humans. As a kid I remember have a 2XL robot. You put in an 8 track cassette and use it to answer questions andContinue reading “Should robots get a lunch break?”

Minds over mouths and virtual eating

Wearing a VR headset goggles Kevin Kelly described in his book, The Inevitable, standing on a virtual plank giving the impression that it is 40 feet above the ground. Acknowledging his fear of heights he lunged off the virual plank landing on his two feet. His mind got the best of him. Does this happenContinue reading “Minds over mouths and virtual eating”

The screen economy and grocery shopping

Whether it is connecting to a family member, taking a class at school, and grocery shopping we are looking at ways to engage with products behind a screen, rather than in front of the person or product. I remember a Nielsen’s study a few years back that indicated humans are looking at media for overContinue reading “The screen economy and grocery shopping”