Self grocery shopping and delivery

I’ve seen grocery delivery workers with steady fulfillment orders. One told me that she is picky and gets to choose which work best for you. I assume, in other words, the most profitable. Grocery delivery has etched its service in and has stabilized. There’s a demand. Margins may be small for this industry, but withContinue reading “Self grocery shopping and delivery”

Ad campaign ideas for grocery delivery

Grocery delivery is pushing the cart with advertising. Even though grocery delivery is a commodity there are ways to stand out. Let’s try some ad campaign slogans: “Your car’s wheels ride smoother than your shopping cart.” “Sunshine is a premium product.” “Grocery shopping is fun when you don’t have to.’ “Your milk is waiting forContinue reading “Ad campaign ideas for grocery delivery”

Paid attention or pay for attention

That’s about the number of ads consumers engage or disengage with every day. If the consumer absorbed each ad, they would decide to act on it. Or suffer exhaustion from absorbing them. So when an ad, message, or brand sticks out, one takes notice. When an ad or marketing works, attention was well spent byContinue reading “Paid attention or pay for attention”