Yellow ketchup and red mustard

When new products get a fresh look they get the attention of consumers. That is the first part of marketing and advertising, gaining attention. Look at how Tesla disrupted the audio industry and how Instacart and Shipt did for delivering groceries. There products and ideas stood out filled a need, connected with a target audience,Continue reading “Yellow ketchup and red mustard”

Heinz introduces new ketchup product with veggies

As a fan of mustard and ketchup I could not help to notice that Heinz, known mainly for ketchup and establishing its brand in 1869 has introduced ketchup with veggies. I have not yet tried it but you cannot help to notice that Heinz wants to mass customerize with condiments for anyone who uses them.Continue reading “Heinz introduces new ketchup product with veggies”

Mustard Moment #4: Heinz

When we think of Heinz how can one not think of ketchup first? I remember the thickness of their ketchup getting bottlenecked when you were trying to spread it on your french fries. They say you had to hit the glass bottle with your palm in a certain way to shake loose their ketchup. TheContinue reading “Mustard Moment #4: Heinz”