May the sauce be with you

Whether it’s barbecue, buffalo, chili, soy, tomato, or one you most prefer, sauce is an essential food. It designs the food with color and makes it appetizing to the mind and to the soul. When you forget sauce or run out it could be frantic what to do to use for sauce. If you haveContinue reading “May the sauce be with you”

The idea of mustard switching to glass jars and tomato sauce to plastic squeeze bottles

to I wonder what would happen if mustard manufacturers decided to use glass jars and tomato sauce manufacturers use plastic squeeze bottles. Some would argue that people use less mustard and should stick with plastic squeeze bottles and that glass jars benefit tomato sauce because it preserves the sauce and more is needed for pasta.Continue reading “The idea of mustard switching to glass jars and tomato sauce to plastic squeeze bottles”

Newman’s Own Tomato Sauce Glass Jars Return

About one year ago in June 2018, I first reported in my blog that Newman’s Own Tomato Sauce Jars converted to plastic. The move broke a cardinal rule of marketing: Never forget brand loyalty. Plastic has advantages of not shattering when dropped and that the plastic container is easier to grip and hold. There areContinue reading “Newman’s Own Tomato Sauce Glass Jars Return”

Prego Tomato Sauce offers lower sodium option

Tomato sauce is one of those items where people gravitate to. The functions of the products seem endless. Prego tomato sauce is one of those brands that compete for eyeballs in supermarkets. They have to as they provide a variety of sauces to grab the consumers attention. For toppings on pasta, making pizza, preparing tomato-basedContinue reading “Prego Tomato Sauce offers lower sodium option”

Hunt’s Tomato Sauce cans get a makeover with vibrant red color and copy

Hunt’s Tomato Sauce has updated their packaging label on its cans. The company has been a fixture in many households for pasta meals and anything that is related to tomato sauce. Their new cans are a deeper red as well as cleaning up the image on the front scaling back a sample meal. One changeContinue reading “Hunt’s Tomato Sauce cans get a makeover with vibrant red color and copy”