Selective shopping memory

Memories are formed by experiences and connections. Many memories form with shopping too. Consumers over a lifetime buy tens of thousands of products. But how many products does a customer actually remember buying? A car, new or used, a house, or a favorite toy will leave a memory. A carton of eggs, — maybe not.Continue reading “Selective shopping memory”

Coca Cola rolls out first alcoholic drink. Will this water down the brand and will others follow?

Coca Cola is looking to disrupt the market. In the past it was offering an extended line of flavors for Diet Coke. This time they are offering an alcoholic beverage. It was reported in the Wall Street Journal that the brand is rolling out its first alcoholic drink in its 132 year old company thatContinue reading “Coca Cola rolls out first alcoholic drink. Will this water down the brand and will others follow?”

Diet Coke adds fruit combos on supermarkets shelves for popular drink.

Diet Coke got the message that blended fruit drinks with their cola sell well. Brands like La Croix with their carbonated flavored water that come in all types of flavors like Peach, Mango, Coconut, Orange, Cherry, and many others do well as a soda substitute. Check out their new flavors and packages that include cherryContinue reading “Diet Coke adds fruit combos on supermarkets shelves for popular drink.”