Filling the content outside of the 6 sides of cereal boxes

Quick, how many sides are on a cereal box?

If you answered 6 you are correct.

The sides of a cereal box are approximately about 4 to 5 times wider on the front and back than the fours sides, top, and bottom. and left and right side, which is thinner and makes it easier to grab off the shelf whether at home or at the supermarket.

If you walk into a supermarket take notice of how neatly cereal boxes are merchandised and straight,

I call a well-merchandised aisle ‘grocery art’, because neatly shelved items mesh well on a supermarket shelf and look fantastic. Customers will buy more products because shelves are neater.

Now let us get to the 6 sides of a cereal box.

The front highlights the brand and company along with pictures and features hence Cinnamon Toast Crunch made by General Mills.

The back, in the case of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in this blog post, has maze and a word game for kids (I guess) to play. Will the kid wait to work on the puzzle when the box is empty or not at all.

Next comes one side that has the Nutritional Facts, like calorie, vitamins, and ingredients like whole grain as well as the brand name at the top.

The other side is like a little newsletter providing details ‘General Mills Is On A Journey’ how it is committed to sustainability and has given back more than $175 to America’s school with Box Tops. At the bottom of indicates the cereal features like no high fructose corn syrup that is on the top of the cover.

Next, looking at top of the box which indicates the brand name and in big letters “FIRST INGREDIENT WHOLE GRAIN’ and the ‘better if used by date’.

Finally, the bottom of the box (side 6) has the SKU, recyclable info, and the answers for the games on the back of the box.

There is a lot of information and I wonder if consumers care when they purchase cereal. The cover and ingredients side might be enough Cereal boxes are marketing tools for movies too and have toys and free stuff.

The cereal box is more than just cereal it is an experience. Which is why I guess the cereal box will not go away anytime soon.

Take a keen look the next time you buy cereal does it provide value more than the cereal in the box?

Published by Grocer on a Mission

Fascinated with retail, marketing, product packaging, innovation, delivery, technology, brands, and the future of food. Thank you for stopping by.

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